This chapter provides a step-by-step presentation of Hangul for the learner to read, pronounce and understand conversations. It explains the Korean alphabet Hangul, the origin of the Korean language and the accepted hypothesis is that Korean belongs to the Altaic language family. The Korean alphabet Hangul meaning Koreans writing is created in 1446 by King Sejong and before the fifteenth century Koreans did not have their own writing system and borrowed Chinese characters to record the system. Korean alphabet, an excellent script that is original, logical, and easy to learn. In 1997 the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) designates Hangul as an international archive property. One of the characteristics of Hangul is its consonants and vowels are combined into syllabic blocks. In English, letters is written linearly to form words but in Korean letters is first clustered into syllabic units to form words and a syllabic block is composed of at least one consonant and one vowel.