This chapter demonstrates that the ways in which young people are willing to intervene in their worlds. The Hunger Games have enjoyed mass appeal among the ‘generation who came to Katniss as young teens and have grown up ploughing through the books and queuing for the movies’. Young people’s civic and political participation, particularly in the neo-Liberal democracies, is a central concern for much of Youth Studies. Charles Taylor, is interested in debates, supported by some empirical evidence related to voting patterns and trends, about how generations of young people are disconnected from democratic practices and processes. In reality, young people’s experiences of and participation in contemporary ‘communities’ take on more ‘complex, critical, and multiple forms’ in urban and suburban living. Hope is generated ‘as people redefine themselves as active subjects able to co-constitute their myriad belongings with other people, collectives, places and beings’. Many of the moments in pop-culture feature young characters and are made, often, for young audiences.