This chapter explores why and how interpreting is funny, humour that helps and humour that hurts, the benefits of seeing the funny side of our work. According to Josephine Chinying Lang and Chay Hoon Lee, in contexts where humour is present, people tend to be more creative. The precise relationship seems to be quite subtle, however. A team of researchers led by Michelle Tugade found that humour can help people cope better with difficult and stressful situation The researchers apparently discovered three functions of humour. One type, liberating humour, simply involves people playing with the rules of culture, logic, and convention. People take ideas from one area and apply them somewhere else. As well as having worked in the European institutions, he is also a stand-up comedian and one of the few people who can make chuchotage seem hilarious. Some markets, such as the UK, multilingualism is barely understood as a concept. Maintain the highest standards, and influence decision-making professionals.