The Swine Squad is a highly valuable resource for biogas production. In the speculative scenario of the Dynamic Duo of Denmark (DDD), pigs of the Swine Squad have acquired equal rights similar to those of their human co-inhabitants. Within the community scale, each pig, aged six months, reaches independent living in 'Porktopia', and becomes an active economic contributor of the Swine Squad. Just as the team of Batman and Robin is commonly referred to as the Caped Crusaders, the DDD has the pigs of the 'Swine Squad' to serve as the counterpart to the 'Heliotropic Android Swans'. The portrayal of the Heliotropic Android Swans as a radical air-force infrastructure deployed to fight the threat of sea level rise, amplifies the global concerns of climate change. By generating clean energy, the associated support of the Swine Squad for these fighters has a radical impact on the landscape both at home and on the frontline.