The notion of reviving human beings entombed in ice first appeared as a fictional device in 'The Frozen Pirate' by W Clark Russell. In advance of the flood, its alter ego 'The City of Frozen Spires' constructs an inhabitable dam, locating it where the city's 17th century fortification once stood. The multi-use grey infrastructure performs as the city's curator, editing and categorizing deposited local historical artifacts. The Danish Government is aware of the setback faced by the Cryonics Society of California in 1981 when a power failure caused a number of frozen bodies to thaw out, sparking off a chain of lawsuits. The Frozen Spires emerge throughout the city, breaking the uniformity of the relatively horizontal skyline. The massive spires of frozen floodwater primarily function to protect and preserve heritage but also provide an abundance of housing and industry. The Frozen Spires exploit the very element that threatens, embracing the enemy in their many 'self-adaptations' to combat climate change.