With the signing of the Armistice on November 11, 1918, Europe emerged from the worst war in history. For many German intellectuals, the events of that November marked the "revolution in politics and culture" they had hoped the war would instigate. Bruno Taut joined with other avant-garde artists and architects to found the Novembergruppe on December 3, 1918, and, concurrently, the Arbeitsrat für Kunst. Along with his concrete political aspirations, Taut remained very interested in utopian and glass architecture, which he addressed in several postwar publications and unbuilt projects, and which were the foundation for the Crystal Chain correspondence. Der Weltbaumeister, the first piece Taut published after the war, is subtitled An Architectural Drama for Symphonic Music and dedicated to the spirit of Paul Scheerbart. The Crystal Chain and Ruf zum Bauen marked a turning point for Taut; from this moment onward, he gradually devoted more time to real projects and less to visionary ones.