If Dawei had called Guoqiang on his cell phone, they wouldn’t have to ask about each other’s identities. But whether on a cell phone or landline, when you answer a phone call you say wéi.

Website: Structure Drills 13.2.Practice

Q Néng (㚽) refers to physical or circumstantial ability. When saying that you are physically able to do something (for example, I can pick up that big box), or that circumstances make it possible for you to do something (I can go to your house on Thursday – I have no confl icts), use néng. To say that you are physically unable to do something or that circumstances make it impossible to do something, say ⤜ néng (⤜㚽). In the dialogue, Guoqiang is unable to pick up Dawei at the station because other guests have arrived. He tells Dawei:

To apologize about not being able to do something for someone, say:

To acknowledge an apology by saying that the situation is not important (that is, that it does not warrant an apology) say:

In terms of grammar, xie¯ is a classifi er. It never occurs alone, and can only be preceded by the number 䄜, or 㚨, 䎃, or 㚥. 㸳䄲㈎㋕㑬㚨xie¯㭊᱄(㸳䄲㈎㋕㑬㚨㾊㭊᱄) I’ve already read those books. 㛄⧵㑬㚥xie¯Ⰼ㹘ᷠ (㛄⧵㑬㚥㾊Ⰼ㹘ᷠ) What things have you eaten?