Space includes a robust direction for the organization. It was set by your efforts to constantly interrogate reality, understand environments, proactively manage risks, establish clear priorities and pace, and communicate the direction powerfully. One can sustain the direction through thoughtful messages that ignite employee's flames of passion about the compelling future. There are no conflicting or confusing messages because people are sensitive to varying data and context throughout the organization. Organization structure has been used to influence employee behavior and relationships. The actions should be specific about what one will accomplish, why they are doing it, and when it will be done. Make a separate list of the things that one will stop doing. Aspiring leaders often stumble at this point. They lack the courage to shift their focus from the "work of delivery" onto the "people who deliver". The journey towards leadership mastery requires "10,000 hours" of practice, a growth mindset, constant attention, and vetoing unhelpful thoughts and actions.