The wetlands being are part of a very important bioregion, which needs to be protected as well as enhanced to teach young people the importance of ecosystems and to save protected species of animals and plants. The selected wetland called Sant'Ambrogio site is located in a rural area not far from the city of Salerno in southern Italy, in the Municipality of Montecorvino Rovella. The goal of the requalification of the wetland was mainly to enhance the entire abandoned area, by valorizing not only the zone around the chapel itself but also the surrounding country where the nut plants could be enjoyed with some cultural as well as ecosystem tourism. The requalification and the reclamation of the Sant'Antonio Abate in the metropolitan city of Naples has been the object of a collaboration between the local authority and the University of Naples. This chapter presents the requalification of the wet area in the river Prepezzano (Giffoni Sei Casali).