Soul- and spirit-nourishment are what we need as individuals. But we’re engulfed in a wider crisis, a crisis of survival. This is a real crisis, not just a doom and gloom perception. As we’re belatedly becoming aware, our atmosphere is fragile. A few more decades of CO2 emission at current levels will make large parts of the world uninhabitable. ‘Fortunately’ CO2 takes some 20 years to reach the outer atmosphere, so this isn’t our problem: it’ll be our children’s. ‘Fortunately’ again, we rich (Western society) can move to higher ground and import food. But we won’t be immune. The poor will have to fight for land and food – and they will. Society, as we know it, won’t survive. Nor, if we can’t feed ourselves, can we expect to remain rich. But there’s an even worse prospect. Rising temperatures could trigger runaway processes (for instance, methane release from permafrost peat) that could extinguish all life. This is a survival issue.