Ethnic or racial minorities sometimes reject the value system of the majority society.They desire to be left alone rather than to assimilate. They do not seek to impose their values and views on the majority society but want the majority society to respect their differing values and allow them to hold their values, norms, and customs without suffering discrimination. Often such groups come into sustained contact with the majority culture in some largely involuntary manner. The minority group rejects major aspects of the new and dominant culture. It also rejects its minority status and position in the new society. Internally developed minority subcultures, such as a new religious minority, may come to reject the value system of the dominant culture. The Mormons provide a classic example of this type. Sometimes a subculture finds itself in minority status through military suppression, as in the case of Native Americans. Forced migration can bring two such cultures into contact, as in the case of black slaves forcibly brought to America.