Oɟɟ ʇo ɐ ʌǝɹʎ ınʇǝɹǝsʇınɓ sʇɐɹʇ. ʍɥɐʇ’s ɓoınɓ on ɥǝɹǝ? Oops! Okay, now we’re on track. As you read this text, you are demonstrating extraordinary sensory and perceptual abilities. Once we oriented the text properly, your eyes are moving along this page at a steady pace, identifying letters and words so fast as to defy explanation. If you’re like most people, you tend to take sensation and perception for granted because your senses operate so naturally and automatically. You open your eyes and see text, people, plants, and parrots. You open your mouth, insert a morsel of food, and taste tomatoes, cheesecake, curried goat. What could be simpler? Perception, however, is a complex puzzle that has intrigued philosophers and psychologists for centuries.