Alexander the Great, who boasted of his valor in numerous military campaigns in Asia, Phrygia, and Persia, wanted to marry Croesus' daughter, Phoenix. But Phoenix was in love with her stepbrother, the deaf mute Prince Atys, and she rejected Alexander's offer. According to medieval tradition, kings, like Christ, had two bodies, although theirs were a political and a natural body. The natural was a mortal body that was subject to the same contingencies like sickness, accidents that all humans faced, which placed him at the same level occupied by his subjects. The political body was related to a community of vassals. There were no mineral resources/spices in the Marianas, and their topography was not suitable for developing plantations that could produce sufficient surpluses. The poverty and relative smallness of the Marianas did not, however, prevent the celebration of royal ceremonies such as those described by Jose Antonio Maravall.