Teresa Bloomingdale was born July 26, 1930, in St. Joseph, Missouri, daughter of Arthur V. Burrowes and Helen Cooney Burrowes. Teresa Bloomingdale bases her themes on her personal experience: family humor and career humor. In subject matter and style, Bloomingdale admits to being influenced by Aloise Buckley Heath, another mother of ten, whose humor Bloomingdale calls "clean and classy, gentle and loving". Bloomingdale writes with great affection for her subjects. Mother of ten and grandmother of two, Teresa Bloomingdale is still actively engaged in writing humorous books, articles, columns, and reviews dealing with domestic female life; in editing, lecturing, and making guest appearances on television and radio. She still has unfulfilled ambitions: to "write a humorous diary for every mother who cannot take" the tour around the world that Bloomingdale would like to take as well as "a murder mystery" and "The Great American Novel".