This chapter discusses self-related functions of nostalgia. Since nostalgia involves bringing to mind cherished autobiographical experiences from one's past, it has important implications for a number of self-related motives: self-esteem, self-continuity, self-growth. Psychological research has long identified self-esteem as a fundamental human need. Perhaps more than any other self-related motive, people endeavor to self-enhance, to elevate their feelings of self-worth. Self-continuity reflects a sense of connection between one's past self and present self. Scholars have proposed that self-continuity is an important human need. Indeed, self-continuity is positively associated with psychological well-being and physical health. Self-continuity also helps people regulate psychological threat. Nostalgia enhances views of the current self and promotes optimism for the future. Nostalgia also connects the past self to the present self to facilitate continuity of self. Psychological growth requires exploration, the pursuit of new experiences and ideas and the willingness to be open to alternative ways of thinking.