Experiencing the process of learning another language is valuable for teachers who work with second language learners because the author believe they will be more effective, empathic educators. But more than that, the author wants all teachers to access another culture through language and be offered the same gift that the author provides to the students. Setting the expectation and providing effective classes based on comprehensible input will expedite the mission. Ester Wojcicki and Lance Izumi, authors of Moonshots in Education: Launching Blended Learning in the Classroom, 2015, explain moonshots as lofty goals, the ones that seem unachievable. The more dual language schools that are created, the more economically and demographically stable these schools will become. It is going to take creativity and determination to market and “convince white families it's in their self-interest to go to integrated schools”. The author invite educators in the process of exploring dual language education to engage in the conversation.