If Korea's KoKoMyun is a case that succeeded by following the consumer's change of taste, then Shin Ramen Black is an example of encountering serious difficulties from not being able to read the consumer's desire. Mind MRI, one of the psychology research methods, is a technique that groups together people with similar psychological aspects, such as beliefs, behavior, and thoughts. It is a way to confirm on which aspects these people have similar beliefs, behavior, and thoughts. MRI is a theory that solely depends on people's minds being different, and discards existing marketing survey and psychology study methods, as well as the assumption people's minds are different according to socio-demographic criteria such as sex, age, and living area. The most important thing in taking a mind MRI is not the research participants' socio-demographic attributes, but each person's particular psychological characteristics. Most of the data analysis used for marketing research or psychological experiments is ultimately people's responses classified and grouped together.