This chapter uses the Objective Knowledge Growth Framework (OKGF) for promoting learning, or professional knowledge growth in pre-service teachers. This framework is based on Karl Popper's ideas of the philosophy of science, which provides teachers a specific schema for solving the problems identified in their teaching practices. The OKGF can be translated to teaching situations because it takes into account the complexities and challenges associated with teaching. It enables pre-service teachers to articulate and test their beliefs and biased assumptions as well as challenges their expectations of students. Criticism of Popper's work, such as Kuhn and Lakato, come primarily from researchers in the field of philosophy and focus on Popper's definition of the terms 'knowledge', 'growth of scientific knowledge', and their relationship to conjecture and refutation. The chapter uses Emily and Vanessa as an example to solve the problem of teaching sequencing to their kindergarten students using Popper's schema elaborated in various ways.