The Values, Attitudes and Attributes (VAAs) work in conjunction with the Advanced Cognitive Performance characteristics (ACPs) and together they enable students to progress towards advanced cognitive performance. The VAAs are the learner behaviours that students need to exhibit. The VAAs listed as part of the High Performance Learning framework are designed to help students to be both college-ready and employment-ready but also life-ready' and well prepared for a successful future. Hard work comprises practice, perseverance and resilience. Risk-taking as distinct from risk involves decision-making that considers insuring oneself against possible loss. Curiosity in turn leads to creative and enterprising thinking. Daniel Levitin in his research has established that mastery in any domain, be it cognitive, sporting or artistic, does not come easily it requires immense practice. In adult leadership programmes, considerable emphasis is given to recognising the need for resilience and to identifying personal mechanisms that will help individuals to strengthen it.