Providing an initial appraisal of Kazakhstan’s membership in this latter multilateral framework—the Eurasian Economic Union (EaEU)—is the ultimate end of Chapter 5, which concludes the analysis of the strategies regulating the operationalisation of Kazakhstani neo-evraziistvo in the post-Soviet space. The chapter, which assesses the effective implementation of EaEU integration initiatives in strategic sectors, considers the influences exerted on regime neo-Eurasianism by pressures imposed upon Kazakhstan by external actors (the Russian Federation in primis) and dissenting internal forces. This latter end is pursued analytically through a detailed study of Kazakhstan’s Eurasia-sceptic movement, an issue that, very much like the book itself, is critical to problematising the role that (Nazarbaev’s) power has played vis-à-vis the making of Kazakhstan’s neo-Eurasianist foreign policy.