CTE-STEM education helps students see the direct connections between their classroom experiences and future jobs. A couple of hours of mouse clicks later convinced that, while middle-level Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs are diverse in their offerings, the program can play an integral role in advancing STEM goals in the school. People usually think of CTE courses as the skilled trades woodshop classes, welders, assemblers, machinists, electricians and service technicians. Some middle schools specify that their CTE courses focus on integrating science, technology, math, and engineering. CTE is in an ideal position to focus on building those skills, along with a strong emphasis on design the heart of the STEM world. CTE students are often comfortable handling materials and creating prototypes. Middle school CTE courses typically provide students the opportunity to explore career and technical education. CTE is the educational vehicle that can move STEM initiatives forward, igniting passion and interest for the much-needed skill sets.