only from this time that every eyes[sic] was constantly to be fixed upon him. And next came the dreadful Insurrection in Sneachis Land which under him threatning again to plunge Africa into confusion was quelled by the united efforts of all the Governments till at Last was not the snake killed.—proscribed beggared and given over to outrageous drunkenness—No. Piracys again had recourse to brought in fresh additions of fortune He appeared among the cheif of Verdopolis. and sought and wooed and won. one of the Noblest and greatest Women of the Age He became LORD ELRINGTON. and amid henious drunkenness set to work increasing his power by the formation and vigorous prosecution of his Abominable ROBBERY ESTABLISHMENTS which after overrunning the whole Land in the space of a year were at length discovered and supressed their Leader escaping with a fine of 200 000 pounds. was He not now at least lost and degraded beyond remedy. No there was just one help for him of that most adroitly he caught hold. The Marquis of Douro was fast rising into a brilliant popularity. This rise would draw up what clung to him so Elrington straight became his Associate and. the War of Aggression followed, that ever memorable war!—Fidena was beaten Africa ruined Douro and Elrington saved it and and once more for a few days in the confusion Rougue saw himself on the summit of power but when matters righted themselves that power was to be given up with the Equivalent of an Earldom and a noble grant of money, all soon lost in the full Blaze of the premiership of the ANGRIAN KINGDOM. But again evil deeds and an evil mind soon hurled him from such an eminence, frowned on by his Insulted Sovereign we once more saw him powerless a self banished Exile in the Stumphses Isle.—In 2 short months again to return reaccept the seals, make a speech in the first Angrian Parliament which abused every earthly member of his Administration and then again threatened from above. fly to Verdopolis and Join himself with his monarchs foes Ardrah and the Reformers. His Monarchs vengeance followed in his terrible speech in the Verdopolitan Parliament Percy. straight declared himself a traitor to everyone, and fled into obscurity an insane public criminal. Now we thought He is cast off. his king His country his Old freinds his new freinds all have cast him off.! But Lo! Ardrah came into power Zamoma was determined to overthrow him he recalled Northangerland. who came and made the scarifying speech on the Southern Navy which with the bill founded on it caused a dissolution of Parliament where in the following election contest Northangerland triumphed beside his King appeared next Parliament sat silent while the contest for the Liberty of Angria was fighting silently suffered imprisonment and liberation incurred the just suspicion of His King refused to aid his country and next escaping to France buried himself in a Idle dream of pleasure at St Cloud. 2 —The Thunder of Civil war awaked him and he found that His King his Countess his Daughter were all gone his party dissolving and his nearest associates stealing away?—Now he returned again attracted popular attention by ridiculous Theology organised a secret Association armed the populace and ON MONDAY the 26th of June 1836—the Day appointed for the opening of Parliamemt He AROSE with 50000 Armed men at his back. cocked His pistols and with one vast explosion blew Ministry and Constitution to the winds of HEAVEN