On June 16th, 2015 Donald John Trump descends the escalator of his branded, semiotically dualistic representation of opulent corporate modernity as one of the United States' most prosperous businessmen. Inaugurated on April 4th, 1973 the World Trade Center was realized after almost a decade of planning; a timespan extendable to three if the enumeration is commenced with its first conception by New York Governor Thomas Edmund Dewey and the related incipient legislation of 1943. As distinct from the most verbatim expressions of corporate symbolism of the day, into which Trump Tower would later fall, the World Trade Center did not carry a corporation's name. The free market pre-1930s depression strand of economic thought had never fully waned, despite its subsumption under the weight of consensus, and the economists who would later be denominated 'fathers of Neoliberalism' had continued advancing a model of free market fiscal strategy.