Resource focused therapy not only aims to support clients to develop and cultivate inner and outer resources. It also aims to help clients self-resource the whole brain/mind/body neurobiological and neurophysiological systems as well as the full spectrum of intrapersonal, interpersonal, and transpersonal dimensions of human experiencing as this relates to this whole, thereby widening identity and the parameters of possibility. Resource focused therapy supports clients to build resources in a context of a number of positive or negative influences from relationships, work life, gender and sexuality, disability, religion, race, and other factors. Literature on resource focused approaches to therapy highlights many orientations and themes that are discussed in this chapter. Fundamental to the process of resourcing are the untold and obvious benefits gained by having positive experiences. Re-sourcing or resource-making in therapy sits within the facilitative environment provided by the therapeutic relationship especially when characterised by qualities like empathic attunement, resonance, 'relational depth' and 'moments of meeting'.