Education resources a person for life by providing a nurturing environment to encourage potentials and communicate accurate information to enable further growth. The therapy offers a person one of the most significant learning opportunities in life as it endeavours to reduce suffering, resolve dilemmas and difficulties, and encourage growth from a more authentic foundation; and this is uniquely accomplished within the specific therapeutic traditions and modalities. Learning is at the heart of therapy, not just in acquiring ways to resolve issues, problems and dilemmas, and relieve suffering, but also in the profound and transformative insights and understanding gained that can constitute a re-visioning of one's life. Therapy is potentially a meaning-making, coherence-forming, self-integrating and life-shaping activity. Education is an intrinsic feature of therapy. Learning for clients is heightened when it is across dimensions, as this enables a holistic learning experience. This is grounded in the fact that more than thought dependent, the development of neurostructure is experience-dependent and experience-expectant.