This chapter presents an overview of the 'life review' reported by around 5 per cent of modern near-death experience (NDE) cases. There are two main lines of evidence to consider, such as reincarnation and jewels that lurk in the murky waters of medium ship, both of them surprisingly good in some respects albeit still firmly in the 'rocks from the sky' category from the point of view of current scientific orthodoxy. Children themselves have spontaneously recognised people and objects from their 'old' life without any prompting, despite having had no possibility of gaining information about them previously in 'this' life. Talk of 'previous lives', along with 'past-life regression therapy', has become popular in some circles in the West. According to SoS theory high-energy use is going to be associated with a high rate of generation of very ephemeral and mostly uncoordinated SoSs.