The picture that's been painted in this chapter shows conscious mind as woven from threads of subjective time into a tapestry that depicts patterns of energy manifestation in the brain. The picture depends on two principal conjectures: first that the 'time' figuring in the Heisenberg time/energy uncertainty relationship is indeed a subjective time that differs from the clock time implicit in objective causal processes. The second conjecture is the supposition, which accords with everyday experience, that meaningful patterns of energetic events in brains retain their meanings when translated into a subjective format. There's good evidence from near-death experiences (NDEs) that consciousness does affect neural memories. Goodman argues that the weak nuclear force may have some special role in quantum biology and consciousness. Goodman goes on to point out that the weak force has the right energetic and other characteristics for any quantum coherent phenomena in which it might be involved to operate over biologically significant distances and consciousness-relevant clock-time durations.