Audio is a surprisingly deceptive aspect of game production. It is easy to think that the audio will not take long at all to do and that we will not have any trouble getting the sounds and music that we want. However, there are copyright laws that we have to be very aware of while developing our games. In this chapter, we will not only look at how to use audio but also how to get audio as there are a wide range of sources that we can utilize. It is the audio that begins to bring the polish to our game projects and really consolidates the rest of the work into a unified setting. However, misuse of our audio can also be a major setback to the project as we lose the effect that we are trying to accomplish within the game. Audio is a ton of fun to play around with, and as we start adding these features into our game, the game seems to launch itself to a whole other level.

How Is Audio Used in Games?

Types of Audio

Finding Audio

Introduction to Editing Audio with Audacity

Audio within Unity

Accessing Audio through PlayMaker