Now that we have some solid concepts on game development under our belts, we are going to start laying the foundation for our game. Characters play a pivotal role in some games. However, as we will shortly discuss, not all games rely on characters. For our project at hand, we are going to need to understand characters, after all the game does star Sancho Panza, in order to better design our player character and any others that may appear during the game. Even if you are building a puzzle or strategy game, see Chapter 1 for a discussion of these different genres, characters can play an intriguing role by providing a context for the game, not that this is necessary, but it is an option to consider. If you are considering building a role-playing or story-driven game, then the characters will be vital to your project. There is a tremendous overlap between characters and stories which will cause the next chapters to blur together in some aspects. In this chapter, we will explore the following concepts as they pertain to characters and video games.

Purpose of Characters

Do Games Need Characters?

Traditional Character Types

Game Character Types

Character Development

Character Design

Importing Models in Unity

Character Control System in PlayMaker