This chapter explains the interdependency between violence and mobilization of the Partiya Karkeren Kurdistan (PKK). The chapter considers violence in terms of subjectivity as well as temporality, fluidity and variability. It analyzes interdependency between armed struggle and mobilization through written primary sources of the PKK such as pamphlets, manifestos and communiques. The use of violence depends on a militant habitus which is historically constituted inside the PKK. The chapter explains about militant history of the Kurdish organization and elaborates on some hypotheses about the formation of the militant habitus of Democratic Party. It focuses on organizational dynamics of the armed struggle and suggests that proximity constitutes one of the dynamics of the move to violence because it signifies a principal form of organization. Therefore it becomes one of the conditions of both physical and psychological rapprochement between militants and social actors. The chapter also analyzes the phenomenon of talebe in order to show the genesis of a social base.