Because we are dealing with a constellation (of constellations) of concepts, I have supplied many (strategic, rather than comprehensive) cross-references (in small capitals), mainly internally to entries but sometimes also at the end, and more than a thousand cross-referencing entries. Within any one entry, a concept is normally cross-referenced only once. To economise on words, I sometimes (1) cross-reference a different form of a concept from the one its entry appears under (e.g., diachronic and perspectival switch invite the reader to consult the entries for diachrony/synchrony and perspective, respectively); (2) supply indirect cross-references, i.e., to a cross-referencing entry (e.g., emancipatory critique directs the reader to a cross-referencing entry for that concept, which says ‘See critique; emancipatory axiology’); and (3) shorten a long title of an entry by use of an ‘etc.’ (e.g., solipsistic/transdictive complex[es] becomes solipsistic etc.), or by use of the first word only.