Drawing on the data from the Ace Institution study, this chapter explores how the elite boys from Ace Institution construct global literate selves for a global market. Learning to become cosmopolitan is part of elite schooling, and this chapter examines how the Ace Institution boys cultivate dispositions of cosmopolitanism through their reading and other literacy practices. Their construction of selves as global-literate citizens is very much aligned with articulated national policy to cultivate cosmopolitan elites able to plug into global markets and through that contribute to the national economy. The chapter discusses the Ace Institution's schoolboys' reading practices to highlight how specific powerful reading practices are reproduced through schooling. For the elite schoolboys, national, institutional and personal habitus cohere to help them construct global literate identities suitable for cosmopolitan projections in a global world. The chapter explains how the official and enacted curriculum of the school cultivates a form of worldly knowledge.