This chapter discusses the religion and a brief description of some major religions in the world. It provides recommendations for organizations with employees who hold a diversity of religious beliefs. The chapter focuses on recommendations for US organizations, but many global examples are included. Some religions are monotheistic and others are polytheistic. Monotheistic religions are those that believe in a single god, and examples of such religions are the Christian, Muslim, and Jewish faiths. Polytheistic religions believe in multiple gods and goddesses. Hinduism is the oldest organized religion in the world. It is polytheistic and varies greatly in practices and beliefs. The Sramana movement gave rise to Buddhism as well as Jainism, another ancient Indian religion that prescribes a path of non-violence toward all living beings. The Jewish religion is characterized by diversity. There are a number of examples of religions where women have obtained more opportunities over the years as well as examples where they have not.