This chapter is concernedwith the British daytime television programmeWantedDown

Under (BBC1, 2007-),which presents familieswith the possibility of trying on a new life

in Australia to test whether they would like to emigrate. Unlike the reality sub-genre of

property shows, this programme takes families through issues related to work, daily life

and homes, as well as the emotional trauma of leaving people behind, in order to assess

whether the family want to embark on a life overhaul. In this chapter we consider how

the feminised daytime address of the show encourages participants and audiences to

worry over contemporary conditions of family life inBritain during a periodof austerity.

Here the ‘good life’ is figured through a relatively imaginary Australia, as an escape from

financial pressure and an impossible work/life balance in which time is an increasingly

precious commodity. Drawing upon Lauren Berlant’s (2011) ideas around the cultural

work of ‘cruel optimism’, we consider the ways in which the programme sets up a

relationship to Australia which creates an impossible attachment to a more carefree life

throughwhich family time is delivered as leisure time.Heremigration is lifted out of the

racialised rhetorics which frame current debates in Europe, and is instead heralded as a

relatively free and easy life-choice which of course privileges, at the same time that it

normalises,whiteness.Women in the programme, and the feminised daytime audience,

are encouraged to worry over what such flight means – in terms of the emotional ties to

home, but also crucially in their role as ‘doing the right thing for the family’. InWanted

Down Under, this attachment to the good life is both lauded and problematised, high-

lighting its premise as a gendered structure of anxiety in the current cultural milieu.