This chapter discusses the medical administration of Gloucestershire, which has evolved a partial system of co-ordinated public medical services that furnishes valuable indications for other communities by initiative of its county M.O.H., Dr. J. Middleton Martina. The Gloucestershire scheme has been organised by the chief statutory health authority in the county, and although voluntary helpers are invoked in each department, its finances and general control are in the hands of the permanent health authority. The working of the orthopadic portion of the scheme for extended medical services is described in the Annual Report of the County M.O.H. Contacts with notified cases of tuberculosis are usually examined at schools by the school medical inspector. The modern treatment of venereal diseases has become in large measure an expert concern; but private practitioners in Gloucestershire as elsewhere who are competent for this work are supplied gratuitously at the expense of the County Council with arseno-benzol preparations to be used in their private practice.