The medical position in Durham County is profoundly modified by the mining industry. The Durham school clinics have separate rooms for maternity and child welfare consultations. This chapter describes the work of Durham County Nursing Association to facilitate understanding of Durham's public medical machinery. The voluntary County Nursing Association takes an active part in the midwifery service of the county. The hygienic visiting of tuberculosis cases is undertaken by the County Council health visitors. Durham is mainly an industrial county, and at least one-third of its total population aged 16 years and upwards is insured for domiciliary medical attendance under the National Insurance Acts. In one particular instance, the Horden Colliery, some 15,000 miners and their families are concerned in the medical arrangements made. The medical arrangements of this colliery are made by the Horden Colliery Lodge of the Durham Miners' Association, of which Mr. Mason is the secretary.