This chapter describes the circumstances of medical work in Austria. Economically, Austria is now slowly recovering from its financial calamities, but with conditions and obligations which still tell heavily against possibilities of active hygienic work. Most of the Austrian hospitals are built and maintained at the public expense. In the public hospitals the charges are fixed by the governors of the provinces. Midwives are trained in six special training-schools for midwives. These are maintained and administered by the Federal Government. School nurses do some home visiting. The same nurses are concerned also in child welfare work. Insurance societies are greatly interested, especially financially, in the tuberculosis problem. The benefits obtainable under sickness insurance include a cash allowance during the insured person's incapacitating illness for a period not exceeding seventy-eight weeks, free obstetric help for the insured woman or the wife of an insured man; free medical treatment, including the cost of drugs, and so on.