Living a life in balance means developing an orientation to money, which is respectful without being overanxious. A respectful attitude toward money allows us to appreciate it as the power that it is. Money can be said to be energy made tangible. Financial autonomy is a powerful symbol of adulthood. Nothing signifies individuation more than making one's own way financially, and conversely, nothing keeps families enmeshed quite like money entanglements. Success at making money does not, in and of itself, demonstrate that one is successfully individuating. Indeed, the drive to make huge sums of money may be more reflective of the person's succumbing to family-of-origin pressures than of having the necessary integration to follow his own path. It is often the case that one will try to resolve emotional issues through financial means. True individuation entails assuming the mantle of adulthood in all areas. The author teaches a continuing education class in Sacramento called 'Seven Steps to Financial Well Being'.