Most therapists are, by nature and training, attuned to the social dimension of life. Remembering that money is a powerful energy that can have both positive and negative effects upon our world, it may become important for you to align how you invest with the values you hold. There are socially screened investment options available for mutual funds, annuities, variable universal life insurance, and individually managed accounts. A good resource for socially responsible investing is USSIF (www.ussif.org/www.ussif.org/), a clearinghouse of information on all aspects of socially responsible investments. Socially responsible investing involves making a social analysis of the companies that you are considering investing in. Perhaps you do not want your money going to a tobacco-producing company. Socially responsible investing can work in a number of ways. The first way is by avoiding companies with poor records for social responsibility. Another way is by advocating for corporate change with shareholder resolutions.