There is the thinking, acting, talking, and doing self. And there is the observing self, the healthy dissociating part, the part that watches, witnesses, and takes note of the thoughts and behaviors but does so with stillness and control. Eckhart Tolle says that the most significant thing that can happen to each of us is the shift from thinking to aware presence as we become more comfortable with the state of "not knowing". Postpartum women are burdened with ambivalence toward seeking help during this vulnerable time. No matter how much they want the help. It just does not sit right for many women to associate new motherhood with "needing therapy". Therapists are constantly monitoring what is being said and done and try not to lose sight of the impact the words and choices have on each client. Mentoring therapists allows the author to enter that unique space between their work as a professional and the use of self in work.