The human brain is responsible for everything from basic life-sustaining functions and reflexes to more complex activities such as perception, language, memory and emotion. Learning about neuroanatomy is never a quick or easy task. It is always helpful to identify some good resources for learning before commencing with studying what is a complex area. Neuroslice is an interesting free app, which can be downloaded to smart phones or tablets and offers 3D functionality for viewing basic anatomical structures and regions of the brain. Through complex neurochemical changes, electrical messages manage to 'jump' this gap. This is the way information travels to other areas throughout the brain. Basic life-preserving functions, such as breathing and heartbeat, are taken care of by structures in the brainstem. The brainstem contains numerous areas that are crucial to survival, along with the connection points for most of the cranial nerves. These nerves are involved in functions such as sense of smell, tongue movement, hearing and seeing.