In early history of Artemis several deities in the Greek pantheon have origins that are relatively straightforward to trace. There is compelling evidence to suggest that elements of the goddess known to the Greeks as Artemis appeared as early as the Bronze Age. In addition to the textual evidence, there are also iconographic data that suggest that an Artemis-like goddess was recognized and worshipped in the Bronze Age Aegean. One such iconographic datum is what might be termed the Aegean Nature Goddess. It is generally understood that the Potnia Theron icon is an import from the Near East. An alternate manifestation of the Potnia Theron type, and one much closer to the original ancient Near East versions, shows a standing goddess. There is far greater evidence for continuity at the sanctuary at Kalapodi, ancient Hyampolis in Phokis. This sanctuary was established in the Late Helladic C period (twelfth century) and shows continuous use through to the Common Era.