A native of Hobei Province, Zhang Xiuya was educated in Tianjin and Beijing. later she taught at her alma mater for three years. Zhang is also a celebrated prose writer. Her book of poems Music on the Water was published in 1957. The poet/critic Zhong Ling has described Zhang's romantic lyricism as being influenced by such famous romantic poets of the 1930s and '40s as Zhu Xiang and Xu Zhimo. Zhong Ling, Contemporary Chinese Muse: A Critique of Taiwan Women's Poetry. Zhang is noted for her traditional feminine style of lyric poetry. Just beyond the small window insects drink early summer's new brew till they are full; they now make clear embroidering sounds by my ear. The golden loquat has just ripened for picking. Sounds of flute freeze in the nightmelt in the moonlit shadows. Receiving this mysterious rhythm suddenly, the window opens, the heart too.