This chapter examines the first ring of the Competency Map-the Core. We all want to be listened to, but few of us are consistently good listeners. The heart of the Core ring is Listening. This one elusive competency encapsulates all the others. The Eliciting competency of the Core can be broken down into three levels. The first two layers of the Eliciting competency "trust", and "climate of sharing", are not skill driven. Cultivating genuine care and interest in others and increasing our thresholds of patience are necessary aspects of developing keener powers of observation. Power is gained when we cultivate care. Imagine a plant or pet that is part of your emotional landscape. Care plays a central role in imbuing it with vitality. There is pleasure derived from being a caretaker, and the success of its thriving survival rewards you with prideful achievement. The goal is to set aside some special structured time to reflect.