Some people believed in God and others did not, and the argument was between these two groups. Realists maintain that language about God is true because it refers or corresponds to either the timeless or everlasting God. Natural Theology attempts to demonstrate that "God exists" is true by showing that the word "God" successfully refers to that which exists independent of the created universe and on which this universe depends for its existence. In the US an alternative realist approach has been recently canvassed and is termed Reformed Epistemology because it comes from within the Reformed Christian tradition. Advocates of this approach include Alvin Plantinga, Cornelius Van Tyl and Nicholas Walterstorff. The aim of reformed epistemology is to show that it is rational not to seek justification for belief in God. Religious belief should call individuals to take these values on board and to live them out in service to and love for others - even at great personal cost.