Accounts cash management, 31, Illn.26, 156,

299-300,314,315-16,326 dividend reinvestment, 77 transaction, 40, 87n.38, 138, 155, 156,

396-97,407-10,412nn.17,18 trust accounts, 50, 77, 78, 203, 220-21,

223, 234-35n.38, 264, 282n.56, 303,308,309

Acquisitions. See Mergers/ acquisitions Adjustable rate mortgages (ARM), 273,

291n.107 Adjustable rates. See Variable interest

rates ADR. See American Depository

Receipts Agricultural sector, 119-20, 127,

146n.16, 247, 28On.24 Aldrich, Winthrop, 85-86n.14 Alistate Insurance Company, 78, 191,

233-34nn.27, 28 Amalgamated Bank ofNew York, 133 American Association of Equipment

Lessors, 208 American Bankers Association,

130-31, 177-78n.8, 330n.55 American City Bank (Calif.),

148-49n.49 American Council of Life Insurance,

370-71 American Depository Receipts (ADR),

347 American Express Company, 78,

88n.45, 130, 198, 233n.25, 419, 433, 455n.9