The Aaron Fricke case became a well-publicized call for greater rights for homosexual minors. In 1980, Fricke wanted to take Paul Guilbert to the senior prom at Cumberland High School in Rhode Island. After failing to gain permission from school authorities, he took his case to the US District Court for Rhode Island, where Judge Raymond Pettine found in his favor. In 1979, Guilbert had attempted to take a samesex date to the junior prom. That request was denied by principal Richard Lynch, who had concerns about safety-concerns justified by the harassment Guilbert later received, which required Lynch or other school personnel to escort him around campus. After principal Lynch's initial verbal denial, Fricke continued seeking permission, and eventually Lynch wrote a letter explaining his refusal. Lynch thereafter provided Fricke with a safer parking spot and, as with Guilbert, a protective escort. The assailant was suspended, and no further incidents occurred.