Jehovah's Witnesses are an anti-Trinitarian, separatist, apocalyptic, indigenous religious sect whose members have been parties in many civil liberties cases. The most common issue around which the cases turn involves the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the US Constitution, under which individuals are free to exercise their religious belief in keeping with their faith. Jehovah's Witnesses were organized by Charles Taze Russell. He was deeply influenced by the Adventist movement begun by William Miller, and in 1884 Russell incorporated the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. The organization has been variously known as Russellites, Millennial Dawnists, Rutherfor- dites, and International Bible Students. Since 1931 the official name has been Jehovah's Witnesses. Jehovah's Witnesses have separated themselves into what they believe is the only group that has the truth necessary for salvation. They reject the term "church." They teach that big business, the churches, and civil government are part of the kingdom of Satan.