We aver, Rand y (194 8 – ) Randy Weaver became a hero to the extreme right following a series of events culminating in what has become known variously as the siege of Ruby Ridge, the Ruby Ridge incident, or simply Ruby Ridge-a violent confrontation between Weaver, his family, and family friend Kevin Harris and U.S. federal law enforcement agents. The clash occurred over an eleven-day period from August 21 to August 31, 1992, leaving Weaver’s wife, Vicki, his fourteen-yearold son Samuel, and Federal Marshall William Degan dead. Controversy ensued over investigative and operational tactics, rules of engagement in law enforcement’s use of deadly force, freedom of religion, and numerous complex details within these categories. The debate begun at Ruby Ridge led to strongly stated, open expressions of anger toward and distrust of the government by many Americans; revived a nascent militia movement; and, in part, led Timothy McVeigh to bomb the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1994.