The performance management model on which this book has been based came from research and practical experience regarding what is needed to effectively manage performance. While every detail of managing performance could not be covered in this book, the model will provide you with a framework in which you should be able to effectively deal with whatever specifics arise in your performance situation. Day-to-day pressures and short-term issues can divert your attention from the broad picture of managing the performance of people in your organization. We encourage you to revisit the model and concepts presented here to help you maintain a focus on the broad picture of performance management. In the heat of short-term pressure, you might successfully battle some momentary crises, but without regard for the development of the people, your organization will lose in the long term. Approaching your people as partners in performance, treating them fairly, and having regard for their development can pay off in improved short-term performance as well as in improved longer-term performance characteristics, such as loyalty, commitment, and retention of top employees.